LEGION Model Builder Help

The Data Template spreadsheet

The template we provide is named ‘LEGION Data Template.xls’ and, after you have installed LEGION Model Builder, it can be found usually in this location: C:\Program Files\Bentley\LEGION CONNECT Edition\ModelBuilder\Data .

Note: Depending on your version of Excel, you may be asked to confirm that you want to run macros with the spreadsheet or indicate that you 'trust' this document. If you don't allow the template's macros to run, it will not work properly.

The template comprises six worksheets:

  • Entity Profiles
  • Entities
  • OD matrix
  • Data Profiles
  • Origin Settings
  • Platform-Train Settings
Tip: You may find it helpful to save a copy of the spreadsheet to a location of your choice.

Between them they enable you to: define Entity and Supply Types; specify a colour scheme for Entities; create bespoke speed profiles; paste in or set up an OD matrix; create all the data profiles you may need.

The ‘Origin Settings’ sheet contains advanced settings that enable you to take the demand data associated with an origin and fine tune it further. This might involve creating different train services, establishing the frequency and pattern of services, or manipulating data by inputting timetable data.

You can also distribute an Arrival Profile across multiple entrances (suborigins) to simulate alighters from each carriage.

General icons

There are three special icons, which you can find on the toolbar labelled ‘Add-Ins’ or, depending on your version of Excel, on a floating toolbar visible when you open the workbook:

– QA Worksheet (click this to check the current worksheet for errors; if errors are discovered, a message is displayed to help you resolve the issue).

– QA Template (click this to check the whole of the data template for errors. Note that this can take more time than checking a single worksheet, depending on the amount of information in the template. if errors are discovered, the tabs of affected worksheets are highlighted in red).

– Restore (click this to restore the spreadsheet to its original format if you accidentally remove some of its functions by, for example, deleting a formula or cutting and pasting between cells). If you suspect something is working incorrectly, it is always worth clicking this icon to see if it solves the problem. This icon has a special function when you use it on the ‘Origin Settings’ sheet (see Origin Settings worksheet ).

Available and unavailable cells

While specifying Data Profiles in the spreadsheet, you will notice that certain cells are greyed-out. This means that, for the Data Profile in question, you don’t need to enter any information in the greyed-out cells.